
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Loved these lines from the movie Sucker Punch (2011)

And finally this question - the mystery of whose story it would be? of who draws the curtain? who is it that chooses our steps in the dance? who drives us mad? lashes us with whips and crowns us with victory when we survive the impossible. Who is it..? that tells all these things, who honours those we love with the very life we live, who sends monsters to kill us and at the same time sings that we will never die, who teaches us whats real and how to laugh at lies, who decides why we live and what we would die to defend, who chains us and who holds the key that can set us free. It's you, you have all the weapons you need. Now fight.

Beautiful lines from the movie "One Hour Photo"

Wanted to share these beautiful lines written about photographs from the movie "One Hour Photo". Robin Williams portrayed very well the role of a photo studio employee. Here are the lines:

I'm sure my customers never think about it... but these snapshots are their little stands against the flow of time. The shutter is clicked, the flash goes off and they've stopped time, if just for the blink of an eye. And if these pictures have anything important to say to future generations, it's this... "I was here.", "I existed.", "I was young. I was happy and someone cared enough about me in this world to take my picture."

The Story of a Crow

It rained heavily the whole night through today morning. I was getting ready to go to university when I went to the corridor of our bedroom to take my towel and found this weak, old looking crow sitting in the grill surrounding the corridor. I was really surprised to find it there.

Being a photography freak, I lined up my cam to take a few shots, I took one with out flash from almost a distance of just 3 ft. Then I took another with flash. This was strange, the crow didn't react at all. Then I went closer to it, other than moving slightly it didn't even try to get away. Then I noticed that this one seems to be having a hard time as it was completely drenched in rain. And getting busy with my daily routine, I forget about the crow. I went to college and came back to home for lunch in the afternoon.

Then again I went to the corridor to pick up my towel and here it is still there at the same position. That is when I realized it is in some serious trouble. I said my mom that it's still there. My mom went up there and took it off that grill. Once we got hold of it we found out that the all important tool for a bird's flight, it's tail is missing and I guess it was also infected in it's tail region. I was really upset on watching it. I brought some cotton and dettol. Mom applied dettol in the infected area and did some cleaning and first aid. As I was sure it wouldn't be able to fly, we decided to leave it in our corridor. So did we. Mom also put some rice with dal for it to eat.

Then again I went to college in the afternoon and came back home in the evening. The crow was still in the same situation and it also didn't eat at all. But it was trying to fly a bit. So thinking and hoping that it might flew off in some magical way, mom put it back in the grill.
Some one hour back at around ten, I had a look in the corridor and it was one of the worst pictures to see. The crow was sitting still there at the same position where mom left it in the evening. It was completely still. Stillness which a body takes when it gets rid of its soul. I felt really bad for the crow. It was counting its time from the morning and finally gave up, with immense amount of pain which it can never communicate with us.

So many animals and birds are being pouched and killed everyday. Their habitat is being distracted by human intervention. I was really touched and I thought what would these animals and birds tell us if at all we could understand their language completely. What is the kind of pain and emotions and thought the crow might have experienced today. What are the stories that they might share with us? I wish I could be one of them, I wish I could understand their language.